Featured Projects

Gained Experience:
  • Pathing - Created AI which can navigate cluttered levels and play the game entirely on their own
  • Unity - First large project using the Unity Game Engine
  • Teamwork - Worked with 4 other people
  • Analysis - A goal of this project was to take an outside prospective on what the game should be rather than just hammering out something runnable.

Gained Experience:
  • JavaScript and PHP - First serious project for a platform which relied on communication with a remote server.
  • Google Web Toolkit - Had to employ the JavaScript Native Interface to provide a control and communication with many different experiment types.
  • Research - Had to dig into dicom images and stand alone viewers to see what could be realistically added to an online viewer.
  • Training - Created many supporting materials and training videos for both Windows and Linux work environments.

Gained Experience:
  • Teamwork - Worked with 13 other people

Gained Experience:
  • Large project - First completed and released project
  • Mobile:
    • Power Management - Game suspension and mindfulness over resource consumption
    • Touchscreen - Supports multi-touch controls in addition to usual scrolling gestures and tapping for menus
    • One Platform/Many Platforms:
      • Supports Android 2.8 and up
      • First time that one build required multiple test platforms
      • First time fixing platform-specific bugs on devices I could not access

Gained Experience:
  • Multiplatform:
    • LibGDX - Second project using the framework
    • Realized the necessity of keeping platform specific code separate
      (e.g. Thread safe data structures for Android vs. common data structures GWT can translate)
  • Web Server - Created small web server to provide access to HTML5 clients
  • WebSockets - Used WebSockets to allow communication with the HTML5 client
  • Gradle - First time working with Gradle's syntax
  • Vector Math - Movement system changes pull point based on player location

Gained Experience:
  • Pathing - Created AI for an ingame deer to move its way around a map
  • Serious Gameplay - Created with an intention to teach and relieve real world stress.

Character from my game