Slide: "computer2", you get some opening story with prop image of leg not kicking
The video features a man named Jace Conners who wrecked his car in the snow.
He appears to be cursing a person he's been stalking online, blaming his accident on snipers she had sent to stop him as he made his way over to her house.
Apparently the video was his explanation of why he didn't make it to her house that night and wasn't making good on the threatening messages he had been sending over the previous months.
(Most queries are highlighted yellow. Selecting red queries, shown below, will advance the main story line. A red query will turn yellow after it is clicked and a new red query will appear somewhere.)
Ask Old guy about:
Where do these trolls come from?Is he Dangerous?
Well now that's hard to say with this one. Generally these online harassers, trolls as their called, just like to say provocative things hoping to startle people into a reaction they can laugh at. However with this guy, I don't hear him laughing. He's pretty serious, and looks pretty unhinged. I came across this chat log where he's wanting a friend to bring a gun with him on a trip to that lady's house.
Jace Conners:
2:52:35 PM
Matthew N:
2:52:52 PM
What? You want me to bring my rifle or what?
Jace Conners:
2:53:05 PM
Jace Conners:
2:53:36 PM
Jace Conners:
2:54:10 PM
It's possible the guy he's talking to was the one who leaked this chat log. There's a whole horde of folks who get a kick out of stalking people who might be mentally disabled. Maybe this Matthew guy is one of those. Don't know for sure…Don't really want to…
Jace Conners?
Oh, I suppose that fella's been in and out of a few bad situations in his life, some say he actually has schizophrenia, course, some just say he's trollin'. Used to just post silly videos of himself online. Now he seems to have gathered some aggression toward that one lady. He probably just came across other people harassing her online and escalated things to give himself a purpose in life.
Obviously trolls don't live in a well :)
Slide: "wellSlide1", the old man talks about the town well
Folks haven't been believin' me, but I swear on some moonless nights I've seen trolls creeping out of our old dried up well. Maybe they like hiding there where it's all dark. If you're ever going to figure out who this Connors fella is, I reckon someone down there'll know.
No sources for this slide.
Slide: "wellSlide2", grab the rope
You'll need something to climb down the well with. Click on the rope in the middle of the screen.
No sources for this slide.
Slide: "wellSlide3", instructions to climb down the well
Whenever you pick up items they go in your backpack.
To equip an item:
Open your backpack by clicking Backpack on the right.
Select the item in your backpack.
You'll notice your the item following your mouse on the game screen.
Finally, with the item equipped, click an area of the screen where you wish to use the item (like the well).
You can click on the item's image (where the red square currently is) to re-equip/unequip the item in the future.
No sources for this slide.
Slide: "wellSlide4", hidden instructions to climb down teh well
No sources for this slide.
Slide: "insideWell1", you're climbing down the well
You slowly work your way down the well, you almost reach the bottom when…
No sources for this slide.
Slide: "insideWell2", your rope breaks
when the rope breaks! You begin falling.
No sources for this slide.
Slide: "insideWell3", bottom of well
Fortunately you weren't far from the bottom and you land without hurting yourself. Wow, if you can't trust rope you found lying on the ground, what can you trust? You now only have enough rope to get part way up the well. You shout to the old man for help, but there's no response. Perhaps his hearing's failing him, perhaps he left. You look around and at the bottom of the well, there's a smudge of calcium leaching through the wall, lots of stone, and apparently a tunnel.
No sources for this slide.
Slide: "insideWell4", bottom of well looking around
No sources for this slide.
Slide: "4chanHall" door to 4 chan and modacrylic mage should appear after you begin your first quest
No sources for this slide.
Slide: "tunnel1" there should be a box
Surely I wouldn't need a citation explaining that rats live in tunnels :)
Milo: Oh, that's silly, Goldberg's just pretending to be a girl, you know, because opinions can seem a lot less misogynistic if people think you're female… I'm sure we've all been in a similar situation from time to time. Just get rid of that for me. Thanks.
The only way out I know of is back up through the well, unfortunately my rope broke not long ago, I maybe have 10 usable feet left.
What's that? You have 20 feet of rope! Let's tie them together and climb out of here!
Obstruction of Justice?
Yeah, looks like they're trying to wipe out traces of their involvement in the latest swat. Let me just archive some stuff just in case… Hmm. Looks like some other people already have. No worries, go give baphomet the message. The evidence against them already seems to have been collected. They'll either get arrested or not now regardless of what we do.
[Go talk to someone in the Baphomet room from 8Chan].
Swatting ?
Hmmm, let see here, they're wanting to swat someone, that's not good. Fortunately, it looks like they have their address wrong so she shouldn't really come to any harm. Normally we should probably stop this regardless, but to keep from blowing our covers, just pass the message along.
[Go talk to someone in the Baphomet room from 8 Chan].
Look, I'd love to give you a hand, but something was wrong with the rat you hunted down, got some serious tummy gurgles, see if you can find me some Tums.
She's doing alright too. Started some help group for people who have been the victims of online harassment.
Journalist named Jubbal
Well, as it happens I've been down here for a while, and I have loads of facts to share. However only the first fact will be free.
Apparently the guys down here found a photo of Jubbal and photoshopped it to make him look like one of the terrorists in the Paris attack. It looked real enough that a legitimate publication in Italy came across the image, thought it was factual, and published it.
[Go back to Matthew in 4 chan and give him this information].
Look, I'd love to help you, but I'm really hungry and can't think straight over my rumbling stomach. Perhaps you can hunt me some food down the tunnels to the left. I'd be happy to tell you the end to the story after I eat.
Yeah, that journalist seems to be doing alright. Those guys can have some pretty thick skin.
Jace Connors
Something is scary wrong with that guy. Truth be told I don't know much about him. People down here watch him, however he rarely interacts with them directly.
Jace Connors
So he turned out to be a regular person huh? I'm not sure how he thinks this makes him different from any other online troll now. They do it, typically, because they get a kick out of it, he did it for his own comedic purposes. It's also hard to contrast the two when he's been pretending to be a schizophrenic for years. If that doesn't require the same level of obsession that a typical online stalker has then I don't know what does.
No sources for this slide.
Slide: "theEnd", your and Modacrylic Mage are free you can't interact with anythihng on this slide
After climbing out of the well you and Modacrylic Mage go your separate ways with plenty of information which may be useful in the near future…
Om nom nom. Don't judge me, I've been living down here for a while.
Anyway, apparently not only was his picture spreading around the news identifying him as a terrorist, but there was even praise for him from ISIS in one of their unofficial message boards.
MMM, chalky and sweet, just like mother used to make.
So the claim is obviously false. The person who was ranting about it was just an ex who later said he wasn't trying to imply any favors could have been passed back and fourth during the time her game got reviewed. Here's a snippet of the article if you wanted a peek.
August 24, 2014 By Josh Wirtanen
There was a typo up for a while that made it seem like Zoe and I were on break between March and June. This has apparently led some people to infer that her infidelity with Nathan Grayson began in early March. I want to clarify that I have no reason to believe or evidence to imply she was sleeping with him prior to late March or early April (though I believe they'd been friends for a while before that). This typo has since been corrected to make it clear we were on break between May and June. To be clear, if there was any conflict of interest between Zoe and Nathan regarding coverage of Depression Quest prior to April, I have no reason to believe that it was sexual in nature.
No Tums around here, we eat those constantly for our health. If you can find some calcium somewhere you can combine it with the candy, that could be tums adjacent.
[use the back arrow below to get to the bottom of the well, there was calcium to the right of the tunnel opening, equip the candy from the bar and click on the calcium deposit]
Modacrylic Mage
Never heard of her, probably some lurker, we're super interesting you know.
Jace Connors
What a crazy guy. We don't really see him much around here, he mostly gets noticed in the Kiwi Farms crowd.
What are those folders?
Oh, we just need to keep track of people and their family's personal addresses so we know where to send threats and stuff. Of course, 4 Chan's moderators have started deleting them when we post them. If they keep that up we're just going to go to 8 chan where it's more acceptable to share other people's personal information.
Gamer Gate
That's us. We're fighting against the bad ethics you see in game journalism. For example, just look at some of these people: You start with Zoe, she's a game developer, and I heard a rumor that she had sex with a writer, I forget who, in order to get better reviews. Then you have Anita, she… um… has pro feminism videos on Youtube, and sometimes they're about games. That's journalism adjacent I think. Then Felicia, the actress, she said… I don't really remember, but I didn't like it. Anyway, you can see we're dealing with the worse of society here. If you don't believe me, just check out Breitbart news. They give us some pretty good coverage.
So what's your story?
I started a gaming charity called The Fine Young Capitalists it promotes women and other minorities working in gaming fields. These gamergate folks have become my largest donors in the hopes of being PR-Untouchable. Not a bad setup really.
There was a Canadian journalist who was disagreeing with us recently. I heard the boys talking and it sounds like they found an interesting way to take him down, be a doll and figure out what they did. The journalist's name is Jubbal.
[Leave 4 chan and look for someone who might know something about Jubbal].
LOL, that's the best. But I need more, MORE! Go find out MORE!
[Go back out to Modacrylic Mage and ask for more].
ISIS THEMSELVES! Good lord. That's more than awesome… unless we pissed them off now… never been happier to be anonymous.
[You gained one sanity point].
[The bar tender now has a quest for you].
No sources for this slide.
Slide: "fourchanbar" conversation with a 4 chan member
Ask bar tender about:
So some of my patrons were curious about this chick, Zoe, and whether or not she was trading sexual favors to journalists in exchange for good news coverage. Can you get some details for me? I'd go out and look for myself, but fact checking is dull.
[Modacrylic Mage might know about this]
Well that doesn't make for great bar gossip, maybe I'll just keep letting the old story ride for now… got to keep the patrons.
[You gained 1 sanity point]
[You now have enough sanity to enter 8 chan].
Tums! What, do you have some?
Modacrylic Mage
I'm not sure. Hope we don't have an SJW lurking down here.
Social Justice Warrior Just some losers who want everyone to be treated equally… blegh.
Jace Connors
What a crazy guy. We don't really see him much around here, he mostly gets noticed in the Kiwi Farms crowd.
What is this place?
Well this is an R rated room in 4 Chan of course. It's such a wonderful place, you can do whatever you want and it doesn't matter because everything gets deleted in a few hours. You could plan a whole heist, but before you know it, everything gets cleaned and no one is the wiser.
What's with the wig?
I honestly don't know, do you not like it? It's just something I use to make myself more unique in the videos that I post. These folks can't get enough of them, my ranting is second to none!
A lady who supported us recently started speaking out against us. I think it would help if we swatted her. Take this address to the Baphomet guys, they'll take care of it.
[This sounds serious, you should probably get some advice from Modacrylic Mage first.]
Another Quest
Apparently the authorities caught wind of us trying to swat someone. I need the guys in baphomet to know they need to delete any possible evidence linking it back to us. Quickly, this is urgent!
[Surely the police already have what they need, Go talk to someone in the Baphomet room to retain your cover].
Swatting ?
Swatting in the practice of pranking the local law enforcement into sending well armed SWAT teams into the homes of whoever we want. It's a real beauty.
/gg/ ?
Well, we used to hang out in there, but one of the guys in charge decided to give the hate group GNAA moderator privileges. I could not get out of there fast enough.
Social Justice Warrior Just some losers who want everyone to be treated equally… blegh.
Jace Connors
What a crazy guy. We don't really see him much around here, he mostly gets noticed in the Kiwi Farms crowd.
Well, we used to hang out in there, but one of the guys in charge decided to give the hate group GNAA moderator privileges. So we hangout in other rooms now. We might move back to /gg/ some day. It all depends on how things go. I like that they're more open to doxxing people in there.
Social Justice Warrior Just some losers who want everyone to be treated equally… blegh.
Jace Connors
What a crazy guy. We don't really see him much around here, he mostly gets noticed in the Kiwi Farms crowd.
What is this place?
This is part of 8 chan. We like to hang out here because it's easier than having to deal with the limits they put on free speech in 4 chan. Can you believe they started deleting the addresses of people we were stalking when we'd post them. Thank God we don't have to deal with that sort of Orwellian tyranny in here!
Wow! How did you not hear. I just released my movie the Sarkeesian Effect! Just a piece about how crappy this person we've been stalking is. Anyway, now that I'm done I think I'm ready to move on to bigger things, you know, ready to apply what I learned with this movie to a different project. Of course, I'll need $60,000 to do that, can you help a guy out? I've been thinking about doing a Sarkeesian Effect 2 since the first one was so well received. I got 9 people to watch it's premiere.
Hey, you don't look like you're from around here, I could use a hand from someone… unassociated with these people. I recently became aware of an individual who I definitely had no contact with by the name of Goldberg. This guy was just a general online troll who apparently tried to help a terrorist build a bomb, but I've never heard of him ever! Anyway, I was wondering if you could help me clean out my closet, which definitely does not contain any evidence that a major source for some of my reporting is a terrorist aiding troll. Yep, nothing like that, so don't bother reading any of it. Ok, that said, here's a crowbar, I jammed my door shut so no one in here could look inside… um, I forget why, definitely not because I'm hiding anything, that's for sure. Anyway, just use the crowbar to open the door and pick up anything you find inside. Thanks.
[Crowbar was added to your backpack]
[Use the crowbar to open the door beside Milo, maybe there's information on Milo that could be useful in the future]
Thanks for that, you can go ahead and keep the crowbar, I don't have anything else to hide for the moment…Not that I ever did!! See, I knew there wasn't anything linking me to him in there anyway… Because we've never met! So how could their be… Ha hahahaha
[You can use the crowbar to get into Kiwi Farms and maybe finally figure out who Jace Conners is.]
People who refuse to recognize that transgender people have a mental disorder.
Who are you?
I'm one of the most straight shooting journalists you will ever meet. I've been giving these guys some good press to build up our brand, got to give the readers what they want.
No sources for this slide.
Slide: "eron" conversation with the guy who may have made gamergate what it became
Ask Eron about:
/gg/ ?
Well, we used to hang out in there, but one of the guys in charge decided to give the hate group GNAA moderator privileges. I could not get out of there fast enough.
Social Justice Warrior Just some losers who want everyone to be treated equally… blegh.
Jace Connors
Did you start all this?
I'm not sure anyone can take credit for that, I may have posted a smear letter about my ex on several websites. I really don't care about their supposed fight for ethics in journalism. However, when you look at all the harassment she's been receiving, I'm totally the winner in this breakup aren't I!
No sources for this slide.
Andrew technically has nothing to do with Gamergate, he's just throwin in here because of his other online harassment and because he used to be the head of the GNAA.
Slide: "ggdude" bar tender in gg
Ask Andrew about:
What is this place?
This is the wonderful land of /gg/ here we don't have to worry about people getting cold feet and not doing EVERYTHING they can in order to ensure our goals are met. Besides, I'm sure the folks who used to hang out in here will all be back some day.
They're all bad news. They actually wish for us to stop harassing people in order to get what we want. I don't censor them, so they shouldn't censor us. They should stay out of our way.
Jace Connors
Never heard of him. Maybe he joined the group after the /gg/ and /gamergate/ rooms split.
No sources for this slide.
Slide: "niko" guy in gg
If you have to ask, you probably shouldn't be here.
Thanks for the heads up, we'll be ready when the athorities come-a-knockin'
[You gained 1 Max Sanity]
[You now have enough Sanity to talk to Milo in 8 chan]
Their efforts to keep the world equal are just making everyone weak.
Who are you?
Really?! Read the room dude!
I think I smell something burning…
Really? I'm almost positive you're wrong. Why would we be burning anything in here. I mean, if we were burning something it definitely wouldn't be evidence of us having collected personal information on federal judges that's for certain!
Slide: "kiwidude1" talking with a guy in kiwi farms
You are receiving a call from an inmate at the Loudoun County Adult Detention Center.
Press 1 to accept.
Ask Ralph about:
Jace ConnersJace Conners
He's been silent for a while, it's a real shame that the people he has harassed are trying to link him to our group just because we've harassed them too. I'm starting to think he might be insane and not just trolling, they really shouldn't group us in with someone who is mentally ill.
[gained one clue about Jace Conners]
Jace Conners
Holy crap, there was just a Buzzfeed article proving that Jace Conners was really the comedian, Jan Rakouski, this whole time. Boy has that guy got balls. I don't know why the people he was threatening were so terrified of him, since he's been faking all this time. I mean, sure they never knew he wasn't really a hot headed crazy person.
Of course, I knew all along he was faking.
[Well, case closed. You should talk to Modacrylic mage and see if she knows a way out of here.]
Jace Conners
Jace isn't fake, he has a stronger looking jaw than that Jan fella. That Buzzfeed article's been so debunked. JACE IS REAL!! JACE IS REAL! JACE IS REAL!!
[Well, case closed. You should talk to Modacrylic mage and see if she knows a way out of here.]
Jace Conners
Really the SJW's should have noticed Jace was fake this whole time. I mean, didn't they ever look into it. It's their fault he was able to fool everyone, they really should have been more responsible! I've been saying Jace was fake all along!
Those white knights are really sticking their noses where they don't belong. They really just need to let us have our fun.
Yeah… I may have drunkenly picked a fight with two cops. Could have happened to anyone!
Slide: "kiwidude2" talking with a guy in kiwi farms
Ask Zwies about:
Jace ConnersJace Conners
Some people have been posting images of him and a guy from Maine named Rakouski claiming they might be the same person, however Conners has a much stronger jaw line than that Rakouski fellow, people are so stupid for thinking these guys could be the same person.
[gained one clue about Jace Conners]
Jace Conners
Holy crap, there was just a Buzzfeed article proving that Jace Conners was really the comedian, Jan Rakouski, this whole time. Boy has that guy got balls. I don't know why the people he was threatening were so terrified of him, since he's been faking all this time. I mean, sure they never knew he wasn't really a hot headed crazy person.
[Well, case closed. You should talk to Modacrylic mage and see if she knows a way out of here.]
Jace Conners
Jace isn't fake, he has a stronger looking jaw than that Jan fella. That Buzzfeed article's been so debunked. JACE IS REAL!! JACE IS REAL! JACE IS REAL!!
[Well, case closed. You should talk to Modacrylic mage and see if she knows a way out of here.]
Jace Conners
Really the SJW's should have noticed Jace was fake this whole time. I mean, didn't they ever look into it. It's their fault this was such a surprise.
Those white knights are really sticking their noses where they don't belong. They really just need to let us have our fun.
Quote on the wall
Oh, someone we were stalking commited suicide, so the owner of these forums decided to post that where everyone could see so we didn't have to feel bad about ourselves.
What is this place?
Just a nice place to hang out. Can you think of anywhere else in the world where a person can archive all the information they want on whoever they're stalking. It's not as dull as it sounds. We sometimes spend hours piecing together stories, or planting people in a target's life in order to gather more information. It's healthy lifestyle, Really!
Slide: "kiwidude3" talking with a guy in kiwi farms
Ask Flowers about:
Jace ConnersJace Conners
He's gone dark lately, not sure why. Maybe he's just gearing up for his next opp.
[gained one clue about Jace Conners]
Jace Conners
Holy crap, there was just a Buzzfeed article proving that Jace Conners was really the comedian, Jan Rakouski, this whole time. Boy has that guy got balls. I don't know why the people he was threatening were so terrified of him, since he's been faking all this time. I mean, sure they never knew he wasn't really a hot headed crazy person.
[Well, case closed. You should talk to Modacrylic mage and see if she knows a way out of here.]
Jace Conners
Jace isn't fake, he has a stronger looking jaw than that Jan fella. That Buzzfeed article's been so debunked. JACE IS REAL!! JACE IS REAL! JACE IS REAL!!
[Well, case closed. You should talk to Modacrylic mage and see if she knows a way out of here.]
Jace Conners
Really the SJW's should have noticed Jace was fake this whole time. I mean, didn't they ever look into it. It's their fault this was such a surprise.
Those white knights are really sticking their noses where they don't belong. They really just need to let us have our fun.
Quote on the wall
Oh, someone we were stalking commited suicide, so the owner of these forums decided to post that where everyone could see so we didn't have to feel bad about ourselves.
Tranny! I think dkasfdljaiofdj soaaisjdfkjak fwaowi jdsakdjksad d sfakdfj aksdj fka df asd flsdjfkljs fdk asf dkasdf klsd fjlksadf d slfjdskad fk sadf saf sdfkds af sadf sa dfs dfkjsdfkj sadjk sadk fksd flajoweajsiaojwejfd sd f fsdadfj ksd flsd fkdslj flsa dfjdlaj df f asd fsd flafdsadfjlasdjfsad jfl djsljfladjfl dsl fjdjf sfdk sj jfdkj sfk dfsd lfld jflaksdfj ld fjdf jkj dfksadjkjskfjowe sadjfkd fl fds fsdfjdsjflsd f I think dkasfdljaiofdj soaaisjdfkjak fwaowi jdsakdjksad d sfakdfj aksdj fka df asd flsdjfkljs fdk asf dkasdf klsd fjlksadf d slfjdskad fk sadf saf sdfkds af sadf sa dfs dfkjsdfkj sadjk sadk fksd flajoweajsiaojwejfd sd f fsdadfj ksd flsd fkdslj flsa dfjdlaj df f asd fsd flafdsa dfjlasdjfsad jfl djsljfladjfl dsl fjdjf sfdk sj jfdkj sfk dfsd lfld jflaksdfj ld fjdf jkj dfksadjkjskfjowe sadjfkd fl fds fsdfjdsjflsd f I think dkasfdljaiofdj soaaisjdfkjak fwaowi jdsakdjksad d sfakdfj aksdj fka df asd flsdjfkljs fdk asf dkasdf klsd fjlksadf d slfjdskad fk sadf saf sdfkds af sadf sa dfs dfkjsdfkj sadjk sadk fksd flajoweajsiaojwejfd sd f fsdadfj ksd flsd fkdslj flsa dfjdlaj df f asd fsd flafdsa dfjlasdjfsad jfl djsljfladjfl dsl fjdjf sfdk sj jfdkj sfk dfsd lfld jflaksdfj ld fjdf jkj dfksadjkjskfjowe sadjfkd fl fds fsdfjdsjflsd f
New conversation
Yep, you found something new to talk about.
No sources for this slide.
From story slide template
I'm some story driven text to tell you about something crazy in this slide. Click to move forward ok? but only if you want to. Then you can get on with the story.
Sanity: 5/5
Descriptions appear here if you mouse over certian items.
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If you get lost you can check out the video clickthrough below:
It goes by pretty quickly so I suggest you pause the video and advance it slowly when it gets to the area you want.